Monday, October 18, 2010

Homework #8: The 7 Deadly Sins

Sloth 1

Sloth 2
So, I really did not like this project at the beginning because I really dislike doing photography with models and staging scenes and ect. Its just not the type of photography I enjoy I started out really struggling with ideas of what to do. So as I messed around with idea of how to do the 7 deadly sins in an unconventional way I discovered that each sin has an animal associated with it so I started looking into doing that, but I couldn't figure out where I was going to find all of the animals (Bears and Pigs are not easily found on campus). So that idea failed, but then as I was working a shift at the cow barns (as I am part of the CREAM program) I discovered that I could use the cows to portray the 7 sins, and I think they came out way better than I expected, although I can't decide which sloth I like better, the young heifer is a better photo but the cow portrays sloth better....and I have a ridiculous number of pictures on my contact sheet since cows are not cooperative at all and like to move, and with terrible lighting in the barns, moving cows + terrible light + slow shutter speed = thank god for digital

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your take on this assignment. It was so creative. I would have never thought to approach it this way.
