Here are my top 3 photos from homework #2. We're only supposed to have 2, so the 2 that I would be posting would be the eggs and the whisks, but I really like the cookie cutter picture except I wish the last corner of of the actually cookie cutter was in focus. I like that the focus is on only part of the spices/flour and the cookie cutter with the surrounding out of focus, I just really wish that corner was in focus and it would be a much better frustrating
Here are the edited/color corrected versions of the above pictures, my favorite definitely being the whisks in color:
I'm in love with these photos. Seriously. Especially the cookie cutter. It's so simple, but I love the textures from the different powders. I do see what you're saying about being in focus though. It would be nice if the cookie cutter itself was in focus, but overall, it's a great image.